Friday, February 28, 2020

The Defiance Girls Band circa WW I

For many years, Lloyd V. Tuttle contributed historic photos and information to the Defiance Crescent-News for his column, "A Backward Glance."

An undated clipping discussed the part of the Defiance Girls' Band in supporting the local soldiers in World War I.

Tuttle wrote: "DEFIANCE has had numerous bands, the 16th Regiment whose members dressed like Zouaves, Gessner's Concert, the Elks, the Toledo Edison, the East Defiance, and perhaps others, but the Defiance Girls' Band was one of the best when it came to marching and to making music.  It was organized with W F. Kimberly as director.  'Kim' was a natural born band leader.

The band will be remembered by Defiance country boys who were called to the First World War because it escorted all departing groups to the railroad station.  Napoleon groups went to Chillicothe by way of the Wabash and Cincinnati Northern via Cecil, and the band always met the trains transporting the Napoleon groups and gave them a short concert...

In the group picture, using their names at the time, are: 
From left, first row, Clara Hemlein, Hazel ....baugh, Ella Yeager, Elsie Kimberly, Ruby Doster, Isabelle Taylor.
Second row, Laura Wahl, Esther Ruess, Eleanor Robrock, Helen Pocock, Dessie Yackels;
Third row, Naomi Lovejoy, Helene Bock, Hazel Yackels, Helen Hunter, Bessie Leever, Marie Umstead, June Speiser; 
Back row, Nellie Winterholder, Mildred Arning, Wanda Root, W. F. Kimberly - director, Edith Weisenburger, Margaret Hemlein and Letho Stoner."

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