(A glimpse of the village in 1909...)
"Fifty and Six Facts About
Hicksville, Ohio
- Three large handle and lath work mills with a combined value of $90,000 employing a large force of men.
- Three large planing mills and lumber yards
- A five thousand dollar stave and heading plant
- A ten thousand dollar tile, brick and clay works
- A ten thousand dollar furniture ad fine inside finishing mill
- Three cement, brick, tile, and block manufacturing firms
- Two grain elevators with a combined value of $30,000 which handle hundreds of thousands of bushels of grain and seed annually
- A twenty-five thousand dollar milling company housed in a four story brick building, with a capacity of 100 barrels output daily
- A thirty thousand dollar city water system serving the people at a very low cost for water privilege, and water from artesian well and direct pressure
- One first class telephone system with exchange and direct connection with both Bell and Independent long distance lines
- Four up-to-date drug stores carrying heavy lines of all kins of drugs and kindred merchandise
- Four large up-to-date hardwares
- Three large department stores carrying everything needed for the home and farm with a combined stock value of $150,000
- Two National Banks with combined capital and surplus of $100,000, and deposits aggregating about one-half million dollars
- Situated on one of the largest and strongest trunk line railroads with double trac and twelve passenger trains daily. Unexcelled shipping facilities and low freight rate
- A thirty thousand dollar public school building
- A poultry and stock manufacturing company
- A glove and mitten factory
- A $40,000 modern up-to-date opera house
- A patent photograph printing cabinet manufacturing company
- Two large job printing companies with mechanical type setting machines
- Two modern up-to-date weekly newspapers
- A twenty thousand dollar modern hotel
- Nine churches and Sunday Schools
- Two large poultry and produce packing firms handling all kinds of country produce
- The finest agricultural country to be found anywhere, producing all kinds of cereal and fruits to be found in this latitude
- Two large harness and saddlery companies
- Three large implement dealers handling all kinds of farm machinery
- Three modern up-to-date meat markets
- Two bakeries
- One modern electric power machine shop
- With a population of 3000 live, up-to-date, energetic, wide-awake people
- One and a half miles of brick pavement
- Home Building and Loan asset $35,000
- Two large garages caring for the 40 local automobiles
- Five good restaurants and one good $1 per day hotel and boarding house
- Three grain, seed and feed stores
- Three up-to-date jewelry stores
- Three novelty and bazaar firms
- Five shoe stores
- Two clothing stores
- One foundry
- Agricultural society with 40 acres of ground with fine buildings and track used as a public park
- A pickle packing station of Lutz & Schramm of Allegheny, Pa.
- One scroll work and cistern plant
- Abundance of natural ice at a very low cost
- Two telegraph companies
- Cheap labor, fuel and power
- Richardson's famous poultry farm
- First grade to High School, diplomas from which admit owner to college and universities without examination
- Home office of the Tri-State Elevator Company
- 3600 cars of freight shipped in and out annually
- Plenty of room for hustlers and wide-awake people
- A warm welcome and hearty support for any and all legitimate enterprises
- Is a live town, for live people, bustling with life and activities
- Splendid climate fine roads and inhabited with American people; no labor troubles or strikes
- Excellent advantages for manufacturers for skilled and common labor
For further information address W. H. Blakeslee, Sec'y, Hicksville Commercial Club"
The Hicksville Tribune, 15 July 1909
Mentioned were 9 churches. I can come up with 9: Catholic @ W. Edgerton St , Lutheran @ Smith & Maple, Evangelical@ W. Cornelia, Methodist @ High St., Brethren @Arthur St., United Brethren/EUB @ High St., Church of Christ @ Main St., Presbyterian @ High St., Episcopal @ High St.