Friday, March 13, 2015

Closing the Saloons in Hicksville

From the Defiance Democrat - July 12, 1894

The temperance unions were once alive and well in Defiance County, and opinions were definitely split on the benefits of alcohol.  Hicksville, especially, had a contentious group who were afire to close the bars and ban the sale of liquor and apparently, it was the majority of the town.

The Citizens Say the Saloons Must Go Forever

The People Parading the Streets in a Big Anti-Liquor Demonstration -
Excitement at Fever Heat -
A Test Trial to be Held Today.

  Hicksville, O., July 6 -
There is more excitement to the square inch in Hicksville today than in any town of its size in Ohio.

Hundreds of women and children have paraded the streets with banners and blue ribbons flying and the utmost excitement prevails.
It is an anti-saloon war, and for the time being the big strike is a secondary consideration.

For sometimes it has been no secret that the drug stores have been dispensing liquors under the guise of prescriptions.  This has emboldened the proprietors of restaurants and billiard halls and a few weeks ago, beer commenced to be shipped here from Defiance and was retailed by the bottle.

The trouble reached fever heat the 4th and the law was violated openly to such an extent that the law-abiding citizens came to the conclusion that it was time to act.  Hicksville has been under a local opposition law for many years which has met with favor by the citizens.

 Tuesday evening the trouble culminated in the arrest of the attaches of Coffelt & Carr's, and Maxwell & Co.'s places and nine were arrested.  The arrests were made on complaint of James Patterson and Henry Nubleman.

Those pulled were George and Bert Wright, Harvey Maxwell, Myron Miller, Thomas Coffelt, Grant Carr, John Dowell, Bert and Frank Parker.  Examination was waived by the accused who were arrested for alleged violation of the local option clause in the town ordinance. Four or five additional arrests will be made today for violating the state law in selling to minors.

One saloon keeper has quit,and this is thought to be the beginning of the end as the citizens are thoroughly aroused.  The druggists will not escape and it is currently reported they will be arrested and charged with selling liquor contrary to the ordinances of the city and for a violation of state law.

At this hour, 10 a.m., a jury is being enpaneled to try Coffelt on a charge of violating the local option law, and the trial bids fair to last some time, as it is thought a test case will be made.  The attorneys for the city are Bowersox of Bryan and Clay Coulter and Thompson of this place. B. F. Enos and J. P. Cameron, of Defiance, have been retained by the defense.

The citizens are determined to stamp out the liquor traffic and this will be the supreme effort.  This place has been disgraced enough in the farce of this law and in defiance of the wishes of a large majority of citizens."

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