Thursday, February 27, 2025

WORLD WAR II - Buy Your War Bonds!


The United States had to have money to wage a world war and take care of our soldiers, so on May 1, 1941, the government began issuing defense bonds which were available to the public. In $25 to $1000 increments, they were meant to be available to everyone. The government sold them at a 75% discount to their face value ($18.75 for a $25 bond), and then they increased in value as they matured in ten years. That $18.75 turned into $25, which may not seem like much in our current views, but considering the times, it was significant -a good way to be patriotic and save money for the future. 

Towns had quotas to sell, and soon competitions were held to see who could sell the most bonds. Employers had payroll deduction programs to ease payments for bonds, and volunteers sold them door to door. It was patriotic to help support the troops and fund military operations, and sales worked.

Celebrities and cartoon characters supported the sale with war bond drives and promotions.

Even children could be involved as ten cents could buy a stamp for a children's album. When filled, it could be turned in for a bond, and this appealed to younger people who wanted to support their country.

Most importantly, war bonds helped built patriotism as well as savings. Our country had a mission, and our citizens were behind it.

The Crescent-News, May 15, 1944

If you have an old war bond in a drawer, it still might be worth something

Visit this website and have the following information ready: Series of Bond, Denomination, Bond Serial Number and the Issue Date. This Treasury website will calculate the current value.

Calculate the Value of Your Paper Savings Bond(s)

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