Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Residents of Delaware Bend - Defiance County Directory 1892-1893

One of the complications in tracing a family back in history is the lack of the 1890 census. A fire in the basement of the U.S. Commerce Department in 1921 destroyed more than 75% of the most extensive census taken up to that time. Fire, smoke and water destroyed the documents. Good substitutes for finding an ancestor during that time period are city and county directories.

Delaware Township
Clerk - Glen Gray

The Bend - Defiance County Directory, 1892 - 1893

Ackerman, Emanuel
Anderson, James
Bercaw, John
Banes, William
Banes, John G.
Breno, Fred

Crosser, Mathias
Denman, J.K.
Davis, Joseph
DeVore, Elizabeth
English, Riley
Frolich, Joseph
Fahy, James
Gray, Glen
Gier, Arch

Hoy, Henry
Haase, John
Huitt, M. S.
Hammill, Russel
Hughes, Henry
Hughes, A. J.
Helland, L.
Highlen, William

Jacobs, Peter
Limbaugh, John
Limbaugh, F. W.
Lesh, William
Lipp, Henry
Limbaugh, John P.

Myers, Michael
Myers, David
Marsh, Nicholas
Mays, Frank
Miller, V. V.

Partee, James
Porath, John
Porath, Charles
Parent, E. A.
Roland, Simeon
Rollins, Alf
Russeliett, Henry

Shirgen, N. G.
Shirgen, J. B.
Shoemaker, Lewis
Swartz, Louis
Sharp, D. G.
Sanders, Joseph M.
Sanders, Alvin
Sanders, Frank
Speaker, Ross
Sharp, Austin
Simmons, Lewis
Sisco, Mary
Seguin, Joseph

Traxl, H. G.
Thomas, John
Thomas, Joseph
Trefey, Jacob
Venoah, Charles

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