Welcome to our guest blogger, Virgil Cameon, who has done extensive research on his Cameron line from Scotland to Defiance County, Ohio - the Camerons, Bostaters and Stengers. He kindly gave his permission to publish the results of his work on our blog.
Virgil: "For the past forty years, I have been trying to trace my Cameron ancestors back into Scotland. Frustration sets in when researching and finding so many family trees with obvious errors and no documentation. Perhaps the most glaring errors are those that list the father of Donald Cameron (b. 1710) being the Rev. Richard Cameron who was killed in 1680! With the naming conventions used in Scotland, certain names are used over and over again which can prove confusing! After all this research, I am confident that I have WELL DOCUMENTED EVIDENCE of my specific Cameron line, although I have been unable to find documentation of THAT line prior to 1710. I'm pictured below with my GG Grandparents John and Lydia Cameron, the earliest images I have.
In July of 1775, Donald Cameron (b. 1710) who was a farmer in Beuly, Scotland, perhaps on the Teanroit farm of the Lovat Estate , came to Philadelphia on a ship named CLEMENTINA that was captained by a man named Patrick Brown. The ship left from Stornaway, Scotland. According to the October 25, 1775 issue of the Pennsylvania Gazette, the ship arrived in Philadelphia on October 9, 1775, being docked at the Bird-in-Hand Wharf.There is some thought that the ship was hired by Aberdeen merchants, and if that was the port of registration, then likely what happened is that the vessel sailed up the east coast of Scotland, picking up passengers at various ports of call, such as Inverness or Cromarty, and sailed on through the Pentland Firth before sailing on to the Island of Lewis with Stornaway as its last port of call.
According to Viola Root Cameron in her book: The Emigrants from Scotland to America, 1774 - 1775, published 1930, aboard the CLEMENTINA were listed the following:
Donald Cameron, age 65, passenger and a farmer from Builie*
In 1777, Simon is listed in the Pennsylvania Militia, 3rd Battalion, 3rd Company, under the command of a man named Work). Also in 1778, Simon was taken to court on the appeals docket and was to be fined for "Failure to March When Called," as was his brother, John.
"16th Decm., 1778
Simon Cameron (a Highlander) 2d Work who cannot speake English apeals by James Bayly Esqr. for the fines of nonattendance by Reason of his wife's languishing condition."
More confusion exists with Donald's (b. 1710) son, John, (b. 1741). Many researchers list him as John Canady Cameron who fought in the Virginia Militia during the Revolution, was wounded at Brandywine, was married to Margaret Jones and was given 200 acres of land in Virginia. Evidence I have found refutes this as the John Cameron who came to Philadelphia on the Clementina was in the Lancaster County Militia at that time and married to Jean Fraser. It would seem strange that if John were in the Virginia militia that he would be taken to a Lancaster County court. Further, if John were indeed wounded at Brandywine in 1777, why would he use the other weak excuse in 1778 that he was poor.
"John Cameron, 8th do., that he is a very poor man leatly came into the contry, and had not his passage paid, and a small family to maintain, willing to march when it comes to be demanded of his --- judgt. March when ordered or pay the substitution money."
Muster cards can be located for both John Camerons, one from Virginia and one from Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania John and his brother, Simon, appeared in court for failure to march. Simon's second court appearance lists his reasons as he spoke no English, only Gaelic, and his wife had been sick and recently died leaving him four small children (Charles, Mary, Catherine and now Mordecai). John gave his reason as he was poor, not having paid his passage and with a small family to support.
"Simon Cameron 2d Work says that his wife lay several Months and Died leaving him four small children Just before he was called & in that situation could not go... Judgmt - March when ordered or pay the substitution money.
The originals for these transcribed clippings can be found in the State Archives in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
In June of 1778, Simon and his brother, John, swore the oath of allegiance for Lancaster County in front of James Bayle, J. P., along with many others.
To be continued ...
Actually Ann McKenzie was 25, not 5
ReplyDeleteSorry! I have corrected this!
DeleteI would be very interested in discussing some theories I have about John Cameron who was Donald Cameron's son with him on the Clementina in 1775 to Philadelphia, and John's wife Jean/Janet. Best regards, Derrick B Cameron, derrick.cameron@ns.sympatico.ca or 902 227 8160.