Sunday, May 1, 2022

Surname S : Birth Records Located in Defiance County, But Births Actually Occurred Elsewhere


These are as found in the Birth Records of Defiance County or other files, originals located at the Records Center in Defiance, or as indexed by the Defiance County Genealogical Society and published as a book, available for ordering on our website.  

The DCGS index book notes the actual location of the record.  Births were usually recorded in a log book, but sometimes appeared in other files.  Remember that these are transcriptions and errors in spelling/numbers could appear.  It is always best to check the original record.


Saeger, Arnold Seymour (William Saeger & Barbara Westrick) b. Chrd. Co., Kan. -
29 April 1880
Sawyer, Charles (Charles Sawyer & Delie Prongle) b. Wood Co. O. - 21 Feb. 1906
Saylor, Cora (James Wilson Saylor & Hattie Foulks) b. Osborne Co., Kan. -
15 August 1895

Schartzer, N. Russel (Robert Schartzer & Bessie Coslet) b. Williams Co., O. -
10 November 1903
Schatz, Anna Esther (George N. Schatz & Minne Schwater) b. Henry Co., O. -
28 October 1903
Schlosser, Earvel B. (Elmer Schlosser & Emma Whetstone) b. Ridgeville -
12 August 1895
Schlosser, Edgar G. (John Williams Schlosser & Chloe Carter) b. Williams Co., O. -
8 October 1899
Schlosser, Millard F. (Forest Slosser and Maggie Ramsey) b. Henry Co., O. -
14 May 1906
Schlosser, Victor Herold (Albert Allen Schlosser & Clara Agler) b. Henry Co., O. -
13 January 1904
Schondel, Louise V. (Lewis Shondel & Mary Hengestler) b. Paulding Co. O. -
26 April 1900
Schooley, Ellie D. (Orville Schooley & Ora B. Lerry) b. Paulding Co., O. - 6 Oct. 1896
Schotz, John Leshi (Fred Schotz & Rebecca Luster) b. Paulding Co. O. -14 Oct 1900
Schroeder, Carl Henry Fred (H. Schroeder & Anna Swartzman) b. Cleveland, O. -
26 April 1902
Schuett, Ernest Frederick (Frederik Schuett & Frederca Kening) b. Sandusky Co., O.
-1 February 1908
Schultz, Louis William (Christian Frederick Schultz & Dorothea Yedica) - 
b. Henry County, O. - 1 January 1882
Scranton, Ward Eugene (James Albert Scranton & Louisa Frederick Kurtz) 
b. Edgerton, O. - 6 April 1904

Sebert, Eunice (Gust Sebert & Nellie Snyder) b. Hicksville Twp/Paulding Co., O.
-1 December 1890
Shafner, Raymond M. (Michael Shafner & Viola Dillman) b. Putnam Co., O. -
2 July 1897
Shannon, Elmer J. (John Shannon and Euphenia Henry) b. Hancock Co., O. -
14 March 1882
Sherman, Philip Todd (Myron C. Sherman & Martha Elizabeth Todd) b. Wood Co., O
- 20 October 1903
Shields, Vern (C. E. Shields & Lillian Leonard) b. Ford Co., Illinois - 21 April 1906
Shirley, Vera E. (Augustus Charles Shirley & Alice C. Hill) b. Paulding Co., O. -
2 March 1883
Shock, John P. (William Shock & Amanda Haner) b. Henry Co., O. - 10 Nov. 1902
Shock, Nelson ( Peter Shock & Malinda Shoup) b. VanWert Co., O. - 22 Nov. 1902
Shondel, Wm. A. (George Shondel & Ellen Widmer) b. Garrett, Ind. -15 Feb. 1891
Shrimplin, Bessie L. (George Shrimplin & Ella Bailey) b. Iroquois Co., Illinois -
2 December 1891

Simpson, C. W. (Frank Simpson & Ianthe Weaver) b. Williams Co., O. - 14 Oct. 1894
Slattery, G. W. (John Slattery & May Messecar) b. Midway Co., Missouri -
2 August 1904

Smith, Alonzo Eli (James Francis Smith & Jennie Looey Wolf) b. VanBuren Co., Mich.
- 9 March 1891
Smith, Clara Francis (Geo. Smitt & Francis) b. Paulding Co. O. - 4 January 1901
Smith, Elden E. (Jacob Smith & M. J. Henry) b. Williams Co. O. - 19 October 1905
Smith, Elgie Cranson (Emry Smith & Harriet Nicely) b. Wood Co., O., - 12 Oct. 1905
Smith, Elizabeth C. (Joseph Smith & Minnie Funchion) b. Henry Co., O.  -
23 January 1904
Smith, Frank B. (Cash Smith & Lenora Wolf) b. Hamilton Co., O. - 17 May 1892
Smith, Frederick E. (Orlando H. Smith & Attice P. Blair) b. Putnam Co., O. -
3 July 1890
Smith, Marie (Allen Smith & Ida Duboy) b. Putnam Co., O. - 6 September 1900
Smith, Merrill (Frank O. Smith & Cora M. Rigle) b. Williams Co., O. - 1 April 1892
Smith, Paul Dewey (Colonel E. Smith & Myrtle M. Donley) b. Williams Co. O. -
23 June 1898
Smitley, Bessie (H. E. Smitley & Emma Snider) b. Allen Co., Ind. - 2 October 1887

Spain, Bernice (Frank Spain & Alice Shirk) b. Champaign Co., O. - 27 July 1905
Spangler, Dorothy (Henry Rudolph Spangler & Minnie Marie Rosebrook) -
b. Henry Co., Ohio - 2 February 1907
Spencer, Gertie Ann (Frank Spencer & Mary F. Knoll) b. Paulding Co., O. -
8 July 1900
Sprow, Lana May (Andrew Sprow & Anna C. Lamb) b. Paulding Co., O. -
12 May 1894
Spurgeon, Walter James (James Spurgeon & Lydia Riehle) b. Fulton Co., O. -
11 April 1905

Squires, Charles W. (P. E. Squires & Josephine Beam) b. Paulding Co., O. -
24 August 1895
Stanton, Doris Pearl (Lawrence Bradley Stanton & Grace Belle McCullough) -
b. Paulding Co., O. - 22 August 1916
Stauffer, Apriland (Fred Stauffer & Ollie Priest) b. Williams Co. O. - 19 Feb. 1901
Stauffer, Yoland Raymond (George F. Stauffer & Olive Victoria Priest -
b. Williams Co., O. - 19 Feb. 1901
Steel, Levi Ralph (C. B. Steel & Clara Effie Miller) b. Hancock Co. , O. -
14 November 1906
Steele, Roy E. (William B. Steele & Elizabeth E. Meyers) b. Williams Co., O. -
13 June 1883
Sterer, Fred Shellman Jr. (Fred S. Sterer & Freda Shellman) b. Paulding Co., O. -
3 January 1901
Steward, Samuel (Lewis D. Steward & Cora E. Hurni) b. DeKalb Co., Indiana -
6 June 1900
Stewart, Danzil R. (Ross W. Stewart & Ida D. English) b. DeKalb Co., Indiana -
19 July 1907
Stough, J. D. (Wm. G. Stough & Leora Yarnell) b. Fulton Co., O. - 18 June 1893
Strayer, Margaret Elizabeth (Abraham Lincoln Strayer & Emma May Foor) -
b. Henry County, Ohio - 19 April 1912
Strohm, James Albert (Albert Strohm & Mary Elizabeth Croninger) b. Franklin Co., O
- 16 November 1886

Suren, Albert Harrison (Albert Suren & Anna Harrisen) b. Paulding Co., O. -
28 November 1901
Svoboda, David (Andy Svoboda & Mary Osborn) b. Paulding Co., O. -25 Sept. 1903
Swartz, James (Frank Swartz & Ester Bandy) b. Paulding Co., O. -18 Jan. 1897
Switzer, Gret Otto (Philip Sheridan Switzer & Rebecca Jane Hunt) b. Paulding Co., O
-2 July 1896

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