One room schools were slowly dying out by the 1930s. The Defiance Crescent-News reported on May 29, 1931, that five one room schools were closed in the county that year - District 2 in Adams County, Districts 2 and 7 in Mark Township and Districts 1 and 7 in Richland Township.
Many teachers were hired or rehired in 1931 for our county schools. M. E. Brandon was superintendent of schools for the county that year, and he reported on those hired by township. The number following each name indicated the district school number.
Adams - C. J. Ramus -1, William Walker-3, Ray Hull-5, John Strauss-6, and Florence Coressel-7
Tiffin - Isabelle Westrick -1, Mabelle Link -2, Wanda Stock -3, Agnes Rethmel -4, John Mahon -5, Neva Farmer -7, Valeria Mekus -8, Loreta Snider -9, Beatrice Hall -10 High school: F. Blake Hopkins, Principal and Leroy Rittenhouse and Helen Rethmel.
Washington - Garnet Lentz -1, Mrs. Mildred Yarlott -2, Hilliard Koeppe - 4, Mary Ondrovek -7, Blake Rice -8. Ney Primary - Beatrice Watson; Ney Grammar - Ruth Zulch; Ney High School - Homer Tenant, Principal, Helen Hutchins, Bertha Stephens and H. G. Putnam
Farmer - Grace Rice -1, Grace Shank -3, Nannie Lee Rush -4, Russell Fritz - 9. Farmer Primary - Dorothy Compo, Grammar grades - Helen Rice and Howard Stuckman. Farmer High School - E. H. Kammeyer, Principal, Myrtle Brown, Erma Rohhar and H. G. Putnam.
Mark - Glenna Gustin -3, Carrie Sprow -4, Ruth Henderson -9. Mark Center Elementary - Lorene Diehl, Bridgid Slattery, Anne Rossi and Henry Gecowets. High School - P. H. Underhill, Principal, Mabel Hane and Howard Palmer
Richland - (hired, but not assigned) - Frances Povenmire, Helen Troeger, Helen Haver, Florence Brechbill, Walter Hammon, Loretta Leach and Nora Chase; one yet to be hired. High School - W. P Bilderback, Principal, Mrs. Mary Imm and Bessie Flory
Noble - Helen Smith -1, Elizabeth Duseberg -3, Paul Speiser 4. Brunersburg - Evelyn Smith and Mary Alice Fender
Delaware - Olive Sprow -1, Mary Lipp -2, Bessie Blacker -3, Donald Bayliss -4, Eleanor Dangler -6. Delaware High School -Clarence Kretzer, Principal, Mrs. Helen Geren, and one to be hired.
Sherwood - Elsie Newman, Mason School, Primary - Mrs. Helen Mollencup, Intermediate - Eleanor Miller, Grammar - H. C. Hicks. High School - Forrest Beams, Principal, Emma Rothhar and Kathryn Openlander
Highland - Elizabeth Wilson, Donald Marshall, Harriet Linebrink, Reba Watson and Esther Myers. Ayersville - Karene Randall and Audrey Dunn. High and Center Primary - Ruth Randall. Highland Center Grammar - Katherine Block and High School Principal - Raymond Onsted.
H. G. Putnam was hired as Smith-Hughes Instructor (Agricultural and Industrial) at Ney and Farmer High Schools. Miss Helen Beavers as music teacher in Farmer and Mark townships and Sherwood schools. O.C. Stroup as music instructor in Washington, Richland, Delaware and Tiffin township high schools. The HIcksville and Defiance Township teachers were not mentioned in this article.
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