Defiance, Ohio - 1848
as recorded in the
Defiance Democrat
on March 13, 1884
January 6th - Nelson Stone and Laura M. Crary
January 11th - William Allen and Betsey Brownler
January 18th - Adam Mortimer and Sally Gardner
January 20th - John J. Shirley and Lucinda J. Pefly
January 21st - Hager G. Luce and Harriet Daggett
February 2d - George Weissnar and Charlotte Lee
February 5th - Thomas J. Little and Phebe Todd
February 10th - Lyman Chapman and Hanna Rice
February 10th - William H. Hollinger and Louisa Rose
March 6th - Esquire D. Barber and Sally Swanke
March 14th - John Julius Kuhn and Rachael Bixby
March 15th - John Johnson and Marcia Hulbert
March 16th - William Potts and Sabrina Hopkins
April --th - William D. Haymaker and Elmira Brancher
April 12th - James W. Kimball and Arvilla Stone
April 13th - William R. Evans and A. Minerva Root
April 20/29?th - Eli B. Evans and Jane E. Slocu
April 20th - John C. Woodward and Mary A. Evans
April 20th - Adam Shock and Elizabeth Frieze
May 12th - John Thacker and Elizabeth Brechbill
May 18th - William Gordon and Sarah Jane Plattor
May 18th - Lorenzo D. Hall and Mary Ann Wines
May 21st - Henry Wells and Ellen J. Coleman
May 22d - David C. Cary and Sarah L. Talbot
May 22d - Frederick J. Miller and Margaret Gardner
May 28th - Samuel Hilbert and Mary Ginter
June 1st - Timothy Kimmell and Elvira Sweet
June 7th - Andrew J. Ketham and Lena A. Campbell
June 8th - Samuel M. McCord and Lavina Taylor
August 20th - David Campbell and Phebe Ann Brillien
September 9th - James Rose and Orpha Wood
September 10th - Solomon Kitch and Susan Benner
September 23d - Henry N. Stites and Rebecca Clark
October 8th - Jason A. Carman and Clarissa Heatly
October 12th - Dietrich Graper and Nancy Wells
October 25th - James Hayles and Caroline Keen
October 26th - Michael Wank and Ava Lintz
October 29th - Elan G. Fay and Cynthia Haymaker
October 29th - Levi Donley and M. Alvira Hoagland
November 2d - James A. Partee and Eliza M. Woods
November 5th - John Kilian Hoberger and Mina Heroid
November 9th - William Yorkey and Catherine Wirts
November 12th - Peter Bremer and Madalina Slagal
November 28th - Gideon Merihue and Diana Daggett
November 30th - James Gardner and Susan Miller
December 3d - John Mason Jr. and Mary T. Hudson
December 3d - Alfred Elkins and Elizabeth McAnally
December 8th - James Johnson and Elizabeth -?-
December 14th - Jacob Wanke and Elizabeth Collins
December 17th - Isaac Kochel and Elizabeth Black
December 28th - Calvin Crocker and Nancy Partee
December 28th - Daniel Cheyney and Sarah Immell
December 29th - William Wilson and Lydia Hess
*Remember that these records are from a newspaper, so the original source, found in probate court, should be checked for accuracy.
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