Showing posts with label Peter Kuhn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Peter Kuhn. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

The Methodist Episcopal Church, Third and Wayne, Defiance, Ohio

From the Defiance Democrat, July 26, article describing the beautiful churches and cemeteries of Defiance, Ohio


"The Methodist Episcopal church of Defiance is situated on the corner of Third and Wayne streets, and is a fine brick building which was built in 1873 at a cost of nearly $25,000.  It is a handsome structure with a basement and upper story, is out of debt, and has 600 members.  The interior is finished and frescoed and presents an attractive appearance.  It also has a nice, large lecture room.  Rev. J. M. Mills is the pastor and has been for the past four years.

The first Methodist sermon was preached in this city in 1825 by Rev. William Simmons of Xenia, Ohio, nearly seventy years ago.  Not long after, Rev. Wier preached at the residence of Mr. Seavell.  In 1826 Rev. Elias Pettit was regularly appointed as minister to take charge of Defiance.  He organized a small society which in the same year, built a log church on the lot where the parsonage now stands.  In 1834, the first Sunday school was organized with four officers and teachers and thirty-four scholars.

The new church was built by J. B. Seamans in 1841 at a cost of $1,050.  Defiance was made a station in 1857 and in 1873, the present handsome church was built.

From the Historic Homes Calendar, July 2004

The principal societies of the church are: The Epworth League, with over 100 members.  The Woman's Home Missionary Society.  The Woman's Foreign Missionary Society.  The Ladies' Helping Hand Society.  The Young Ladies' Lend-a-Hand Missionary Society.

The parsonage is a magnificent building of brick, beautifully trimmed with cut stone and is a modification of the Queen Anne style of architecture.  Peter Kuhn was the contractor and architect.

The parsonage cost about $6,000, $1,000 of which was raised by the Helping Hand Society, $600 was given by J. A. Orcutt and the balance was raised by the members of the church.

The interior is convenient and is finished off in handsome, modern style. It was carpeted throughout by the members of the church with beautiful carpets of finest texture.  Altogether the home of the Methodist minister is a lovely and luxurious one." 

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Defiance County Pioneer - Peter Kuhn


One of the Prominent Manufacturers and Business Men.

Brief Review of His Life's Business Experience and a Biographical Sketch of an Event in Career

Peter Kuhn died at his home on Second street Sunday evening at six o'clock, after a severe illness of three months.

The funeral service was held at St. Paul's M. E. church Wednesday at 10 a.m., Dr. A. Edwin Smith officiating.  The remains were laid to rest at Riverside.

Find a Grave
Peter Kuhn was born in Tiffin township, Defiance county, July 11, 1847.  He was the son of Christopher and Mary Borer Kuhn and was one of six children,the others being Barbara, Anne Kuhn - Kellermier, Henry, John and Christopher C. Kuhn.
Mr. Kuhn spent his childhood and youth on his father's farm and received such education as the common schools then afforded.  He was married to Miss Sarah G. McCauley, March 13th, 1873.  After his marriage, he engaged in farming for a time and later, in 1875, moved to this city where he engaged in the lumber business.  Two years later, he associated with his brother, C. C. Kuhn and J. B. Ulrich.

They then purchased the old saw mill on Perry street between First and Second streets and immediately built a large planing mill, and box factory, began business upon an extensive scale.  After three years, Mr. Ulrich sold his interest to Peter and C.C. Kuhn, who continued the business under the firm name of Kuhn Bros.  Under their management, the business was very successful.  The business was greatly enlarged and gave employment to a large number of men.  For fifteen years, the business continued under this management and the firm was one of the best known and most reliable in the city.
Defiance City Directory 1877 - 1878

In 1887, C.C. Kuhn disposed of his interest and Peter Kuhn became the sole proprietor.  He conducted the business for several years, and by his great business ability, made it one  of the leading enterprises of the city.  During this period of his business career, Mr. Kuhn gave evidence of unusual ability as a financier, and was prominent in various leading transactions.

It was largely due to this fact that he was involved in so many enterprises of a speculative character that financial reverses came and nearly destroyed the work of years.  The financial stringency a few years since, bore heavily upon some of his enterprises referred to, and their collapse involved the main business to such an extent that Mr. Kuhn was force to make an assignment.

The business was reorganized in 1895, C.C. Kuhn again entering into a partnership and the business was continued under the management of Peter Kuhn.  It is more than probable that it would have surmounted the pecuniary difficulties and regained his former position in business had not his failing health accompanied his other troubles.

During the past three years, Mr. Kuhn has been subject to frequently recurring attacks of sickness of increasing violence, which baffled the skill of his attending physicians.  

Mr. Kuhn early united with the church, becoming a member of Salem Evangelical church at the age of 14.  Upon changing his residence to this city, he united with St. Paul's M. E. church and has been a prominent and faithful member since, being one of the trustees of the church for many years.  He was also a member of the Masonic bodies, having reached the degree of Knight Templar and was a member of the Royal Arcanium.

Mr. Kuhn leaves a highly respected family, consisting of a widow and four children, three daughters and one son, respectively in the order of their age, Lura, Orval, Hattie and Nellie, two older children, Nora and William, having been deceased for some time..."

Defiance Democrat - February 2, 1889