Passing of John Kniss Who Started the First Shoe Store Here.
John Kniss died Wednesday morning at 5:30 o'clock, at his home, 1022 Harrison street, of old age.
The deceased was one of the oldest settlers of this section, having been a resident of this county for more than 65 years.
John Kniss was born in Armstrong County, Pa., Oct. 14th, 1814. He came to this state with his parents when two years of age. Later, in 1834, he came to Defiance where he resided until his death.
March 10th, 1839, he was married to Sarah Wells, of this county, who survives him. To their union, twelve children were born, five boys and seven girls, five of whom are now living. These are Mrs. A. Bruner, of this city, Frank Kniss of Liberty Center, Henry, Wesley and William Kniss of this city.
Fifteen grandchildren and four great-grandchildren are among the descendants of this pioneer citizen.
Mr. Kniss was next to the oldest settler in the county, Brice Hilton, of Brunersburg, alone being of longer residence.
Mr. Kniss was engaged in the boot and shoe business for 60 years, he and his
brother Jacob having opened the first shoemaker's shop in Defiance.
Mr. Kniss was a highly respected gentleman, at all times giving evidence of the possession of those qualities that make up the Christian man.
The funeral will be held Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock, from his late residence at 1022 Harrision street, Rev. A. Thomas and Rev. O. C. Wright officiating."
Defiance Democrat - October 27, 1898