Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Jewel High School - Girls' Basketball Team, 1921

Cora and Bernice were the forwards, while Claribel and Ilah worked as guards.  The jumping center was Beulah, and Nora was the Sub Center.  Maud Chase (not pictured) was the other substitute.
The team's captain was Beulah Hall. 
"Even though the members of the team practiced regularly and faithfully, yet they attained no success."

From The Jewel, 1921

**In the early years of girls' basketball, the girls played half-court, as basketball was thought to be too strenuous  for women to run full court.  Two players played offense near their basket; two players played defense on the side of the opponent's basket and the center could roam the court.  Sometimes one player was designated the free throw shooter.  After every basket, the centers had a jump ball in the center again to determine possession.  Rules could vary quite a bit among leagues, but those were some common rules of the time. 

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