Monday, March 30, 2015

Not a Match Made in Heaven...or Sherwood, Ohio

One might be cautious about online matchmaking now, but back in the day, answering a "matrimonial" ad in a newspaper could be just as dangerous. Luckily, Mrs. Steiner was suspicious of the Sherwood, Ohio, fast-talker, Mr. M. F. Munson.  

The Lima News reported first in August 1892 that Mrs. Stella Steiner answered this ad in The Advertiser, a marriage paper printed in Toledo, Ohio:

"A good business man, with some means, wishes to correspond with a rich and handsome widow.  Object, matrimony. Address "M", Sherwood, Ohio."

Stella Steiner was the widow of Henry Steiner of Lima, Ohio.  Mrs. Steiner was of French, origin, well off, having been left property worth $12,000 - $15,000, according to the paper, and she was, apparently, lonely.  Mr. Munson and Mrs. Steiner met at the home of her sister, Mrs. F. Bushey, and they felt a mutual attraction, so much so that a marriage license was procured on Monday, April 11, 1892.  
The Lima, Ohio paper reported that "Squire Becker was called in and the twain were made one before leaving the Probate Judge's office."  Half an hour later, Munson left her and she didn't see him for three weeks, at which time he sent for her to come to Sherwood, which she did.

The story below appeared in The Parsons Daily Sun, Parsons, Kansas, on September 14, 1892. Stella Steiner eventually found out that not only was Munson a bigamist, but also a swindler who was part of an organized gang who supplied him with letters confirming his stable economic status.  

She spent a month in Sherwood, but never saw Munson again, soon returning to her home in Lima, Ohio.  Hopefully, the marriage was annulled!

Friday, March 27, 2015

Defiance County Pioneers - Roby N. Chapman

1836 - 1912
" Roby N. Chapman was born in Canada Feb. 6, 1836.  She came with her parents to Ohio in infancy and settled in Milford township in which vicinity she spent her entire life.  
At the age of twenty years, she united in marriage with Samuel S. Biglow.  To them were born 5 children, two of whom with the husband, preceded her in death.  

Early in life she became a Christian and joined the church of the United Brethren in Christ, remaining steadfast in the faith until the end.  Endowed with unusual gifts, she was interested in all moral reforms and an active member of the W. C. T. U. at Farmer, Ohio.  

Devoted to her children, always anxious for their highest good, she was not only dearly loved by them, but highly esteemed in the entire community.  She has been in poor health for some time, and departed this life June 9th, 1912, aged 76 years, 4 months and 3 days.

She leaves 3 children, Chas. C. of Continental, O., Abraham L. of Ashland, Wisconsin, and Mrs. Stella E. Blosser of Farmer; two brothers, Lyman Chapman of Hawkeye, Iowa, Rev. E. S. Chapman of Los Angeles, Cal., one sister, Mrs. Gane, of Farmer, with other relatives and a host of friends who deeply feel their loss.  Funeral services from the church at Farmer, Ohio, Tuesday afternoon, conducted by Rev. J. W. Lilly." 

Unidentified newspaper clipping

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Noel Miller, World War II Soldier from Sherwood

This photo was submitted to the society by Deb Perry, with names provided by Noel Miller, son of Roy and Martha (Noll) Miller.  Many of the soldiers pictured were from the Defiance, Paulding and Williams County areas.
The photo was taken on May 2, 1942 at Indian Town Gap, Pennsylvania.

Row 1, Left to Right:
George Middleton, Montpelier, OH; Roger Gunter, Bentleyville, OH; Marshall Fields, Antwerp, OH; Doyle Deewester, Payne, OH; James Jordan, Antwerp, OH; 1st Lt. Patterson, Amerilla, TX; Ronald Savage, Hicksville, OH; Bob Greek, Bryan, OH; Lester Meek, Montpelier, OH; Andy Farrar, MacDonald, PA; "Sarg" Robert Norling, Broughton, OH, killed in Burma.

Middle Row, Left to Right:
Joe Piffer, Oakwood, OH; Lyle Smith, Hicksville, OH; Noel Miller, Sherwood, OH; Elmer Bancom, Fayetteville, AR; Charley Keeler, Paulding, OH; John Baner, Cicero, IL; Bob Winkler, Defiance, OH; Carl Fiig, Edgerton, OH

Back Row, Left to Right:
Wayne Johnson, Oakwood, OH; Harry Carr, Montpelier, OH; Gerald Carinder, Haviland, OH; Ivan Rash, Fort Wayne, IN; Bob Rash, Fort Wayne, IN; Wray Amon, Washington, PA; Luther Baker, Hazard, KY, 16 years old; Joe Shaeffer, Defiance, OH; Ray Barton, Toledo, OH; Johnny Allen, Findlay, OH

Noel Miller died at Camp Maxie, Texas, while in a training exercise in April 1945.  He was demonstrating how to toss a grenade when he either stood up too soon, or did not assume the prone position quickly enough.  The shrapnel from the grenade cut his throat and he was killed.  His funeral was at his parents' home on Route 18, just northeast of Sherwood.  He is buried in Sherwood cemetery, next to his parents.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Isaac Ridenour Charged with Perjury and Arrested!

From the 
Defiance Democrat, May 17, 1894


Against an Old Soldier With Veteran Record.


Circumstances Surrounding the Arrest of Isaac Ridenour - An Interesting Story of the War Concerning Defiance Men.

In a special to this paper from Sherwood Friday eve. was an announcement of the arrest of Isaac Ridenour, of Mark township, who was taken to Toledo last evening via the Mackinaw and Wabash railways in charge of Deputy U.S. Marshal Don Harmon.
Judge H. G. Baker, in response to a telegram from Mr. Ridenour, met the latter in Cecil that evening and as his attorney, accompanied him as far as Defiance.  In company with the officer, Mr. Ridenour went on to Toledo, and Mr. Baker, as his attorney, went down this morning to look after his interests.

The charge against Mr. Ridenour consists in substance of making a false affidavit through the U. S. Pension Department.  The circumstances are peculiar in their nature and the case has excited a great deal of interest in this city since the announcement of the arrest of Mr. Ridenour was made public by this paper.

A reporter started out this morning to gather up the scattered threads of gossip concerning the transaction, and get, as near as possible, a straight story.  The evidence obtained is substantially as follows:

Mr. Ridenour is charged with perjury for stating under oath that he was in company with Nimrod Bell, of this city, at the time the latter was wounded in the battle of Sabine Cross Roads, La. April 8th, 1864, and knew of the circumstances connected herewith.
That Mr. Bell was wounded in that battle and is still a sufferer from the wound received at that time, there is no question, but from the records of the War Department at Washington, it appears that Isaac Ridenour could not have participated in the engagement.

Mr. Bell, in whose behalf the affidavit was made by Mr. Ridenour, was seen.  He stated that his memory could not be depended upon to identify all the men who were in his company during his service; that Isaac Ridenour might have been there, but if so had no recollection of him and could not place him as a member of his company.
Mr. Nelson Grogg, who was in the regiment with Mr. Bell, was also seen.  He had no recollection of Mr. Ridenour being in the battle of Sabine Cross Roads, although Mr. Grogg was in the engagement, and remembers seeing Ridenour at a later date during his service.

Messrs. Cary & Richardson, who have been acting as agents in the matter of procuring a pension for Mr. Bell, were then seen.  Mr. Richardson stated that he had been acting for Mr. Bell for some time in the capacity of pension agent, in connection with his partner, Mr. Carey.  That the Ohio Soldiers Roster showed that Isaac Ridenour was in the same company with Mr Bell, and that knowing such to be the case, he had met Mr. Ridenour in this city September, 1889, and asked him if he had any recollection of Mr. Bell being wounded in the battle of Sabine Cross Roads.  In reply, Mr. Ridenour stated that he did remember distinctly the circumstances and before Mr. Ridenour left the city, he went to the office of Messrs. Cary & Richardson and voluntarily made an affidavit which has finally resulted in his arrest on the charge of perjury.

The Ohio Roster shows that both Isaac and Elias Ridenour enlisted in the service.  Opposite the name of Isaac Ridenour appears the following record: Enlisted Feb. 15, 1862, in Co. F., Reg. 48th O.V.I. for three years; age 19, transferred to Co. E, 83rd O.V.I. Jan. 16, 1865, veteran.

Mr. Bell's record shows that he enlisted in Co. F., 48th O.V.I. in Nov. 1861, age 23 years.  He was mustered out Jan. 6, 1865 at the same date Mr. Ridenour was transferred to the 83d regiment.

According to this record Mr. Ridenour must have been with Mr. Bell's regiment at the time of the engagement at Sabine Cross Roads on April 8, 1864, as stated in Mr. Ridenour's affidavit.  But there is a wide difference in the history of Mr. Ridenour's army service as shown by his record on file at the War Department and that given by the Ohio Soldier's Roster; for the former indicates that Mr. Ridenour was not with his regiment at all at the date of the battle in which Mr. Bell was wounded, while the Ohio Roster shows that he must have been there. The pension department at Washington has taken its records of Mr. Ridenour's service as a guide and has made an arrest on that basis.

The army record of Mr. Bell is perfectly clear.  Mr. Jack Todd of this city was an ambulance driver and hauled Mr. Bell off the battle ground after his injuries.  Frederick Helmick of Sherwood, another comrade of Mr. Bell, has also made an affidavit to being present and well known to the fact that Mr. Bell was wounded in that battle.  But none of them can remember Mr. Ridenour's presence there at that time.  In that battle, nearly all the 48th regiment were taken prisoners.  Mr. Ridenour states that he was one of the few who escaped.  The only appearance of his guilt lies to the fact that according to the War Department records, he could not have been in that battle.

Ridenour was perfectly honest and conscientious in his statement and believed at the time that what he swore to was true, for Ridenour had not the least motive in favoring Mr. Bell. There was no way in which he could profit by making a false statement.  And none of the old soldiers here can account for Mr. Ridneourmaking a false affidavitif such should finally be provedagainst him. They are all more inclinded to believe that if his affidavit is false it was made under a faulty recollection and he must have go tthe circumstances and the battle of Sabine Cross Roads mixed up in his mind with some other engagement during the war, and that he also got Bell confused wit some other comrade in his recollection of names.

From all the facts which can be gleaned up to this time, we are inclined to sympathize with Mr. Ridenour in his present misfortune.  He may be found technically guilty, but in the absence of any motive to swear falsely, and with a standing dispute in the record of his service, Christian charity gives him at least the benefit of a grave doubt as to any intention of wrongdoing.  It has been a long time since 1864 and it would be no wonder if the recollection of the old soldier boys should have become clouded and confused at this late day."

And in the same paper...
Isaac Ridenour has a Sad Experience in Toledo

Isaac Ridenour, who was arrested for perjury Friday, returned to Defiance Saturday evening.  He will be requested to report at the next term of the U. S. court at Toledo.  
During Isaac's arrest and sojourn in Toledo, he has probably learned that professed friends will desert him in a trying hour.

When he was arrested, it was at a funeral of a relative.  He was not allowed to return home to see his family and had no money with him.  He was taken to Toledo, given his supper and left in the custody of an officer. 

He was accompanied to Toledo by several of his neighbors who were members of the same lodge of the Grand Army of the Republic.  Saturday morning Isaac had no breakfast as he had no money to purchase food.  Judge Baker appeared for him and the hearing, while an informed one convinced the Judge of the court that Isaac should report for trial at the next term and he required a bond of $500.  Mr. Ridenour's friends and comrades declined, for various reasons, to go on his bond and he bid fair to lay in jail until court convened.  
At this juncture, Judge Baker soundly scored those present. Finally Mr. Baker gave the court his professional word that Ridenour would return when wanted, and he was released.

Then a new dilemma presented itself.  Isaac had no money to pay his fare home and said so.  Those who had accompanied him had drawn their witness fees, bt they showed no disposition to assist their comrade to return to his family.  Judge Baker had purchased Ridenour his dinner and now threw himself into the breach, so to speak, and provided him a ticket to return home.  To say Mr. Baker was disgusted is drawing it mild.
It is thought Ridenour is not knowingly guilty of a violation of the law, but it is just possible he is more sinned against than sinning."

 (Read more of his life here.)
 When a soldier applied for an increase in pension, especially, the pension examiner was diligent in finding any persons who could prove that a man deserved that increase, especially if it was based on a wound or disease suffered many years prior during the war.  Neighbors and fellow comrades would be questioned and asked to sign an oath that their answers were truthful.  The government took this seriously, especially by the 1890s because there was so much fraud in the pension system.  It sometimes took years for pension approval to be received.  It appeared that Isaac was eventually exonerated from the charges against him and he lived until 1922.  He is buried in Hicksville, Ohio, in the Forest Home Cemetery.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

John Hane - Tiffin Township Farmer

From the Marckel Scrapbook, 1921

"John Hane was born Feb. 13, 1841, in Coshocton Co., Ohio, where he spent his boyhood days with his parents on a farm.
On May 12, 1859, he was united in marriage to Miss Elizabeth Engle.  To this union were born six sons and seven daughters.

Six of the family preceeded the father in death. His wife, Elizabeth, March 24, 1904.  Three sons, John in infancy, Daniel W., 1899; Anna M., wife of Clarence Tittle, 1919.

On Saturday morning, February 12, the father had a sudden stroke of appoplexy followed by hemorrhage of the cerebrum, retaining consciousness for four hours thereafter.  Then he fell in a quiet slumber, and in the silence of the midnight hour (12:10), on his eightieth anniversary, the eventide of a long and useful life, quietly and peacefully faded away and the soul passed from its earthly habitation.

From early childhood, the deceased was a Christian.  During the past thirty years, he was a member of the Church of the Brethren.  He was a man of quiet tastes, liberal views and thrifty habits; one who aided humanity, gave to charity and believed in safety and in peace; a lover of home, family, and friends; a citizen who won the esteem, confidence and respect of his neighbors and the foremost business men of the city and surrounding country.

During the trying days of the Rebellion in the early 60's when the fate of a nation hung in a balance, he proved his loyalty and devotion to his country by enlisting in Co. H., 80th Regiment of the Ohio Volunteer Infantry and later was in Sherman's Famous March to the Sea.

Fifty years ago, October 18, the family, then of eight, started on a long and weary road from Coshocton county, Ohio, for Defiance county, then a wilderness.  The goal was well worth the toil and privations.  It took a stout heart and sturdy hand to persevere until the destination was reached and a home cleared in the forest.

His next effort was to be one of the number to help organize the Banner School District, always taking an active part in the development of the schools of the township.

The following of the family are those who are surviving and can look out over the same fields which produce many a golden harvest, and with fond recollections and pleasant memories, they can recall the associations of those who have gone before: 
Five daughters are Mary M., wife of Samuel Kintner; Amanda, wife of George Hornish; Miss Clara V., who has assisted her father in the homekeeping in his last declining years; Mrs. Emma Goddard; Bertha, wife of William Deepe; and three sons, Alexander, Henry W. and Harmon O., also his granddaughter, Grace, the wife of George Bishop, who was reared in the home from infancy.  Twenty-eight grandchildren and 27 great-grandchildren survive.

His was a life of service and worthy of emulation."
 The funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon at 1:30 standard time from the home, and interment will be made at the Dunkard Cemetery on the North Ridge.  Rev. Mr. Flory will officiate."
(The cemetery is now known as the Poplar Ridge Cemetery.)

Friday, March 13, 2015

Closing the Saloons in Hicksville

From the Defiance Democrat - July 12, 1894

The temperance unions were once alive and well in Defiance County, and opinions were definitely split on the benefits of alcohol.  Hicksville, especially, had a contentious group who were afire to close the bars and ban the sale of liquor and apparently, it was the majority of the town.

The Citizens Say the Saloons Must Go Forever

The People Parading the Streets in a Big Anti-Liquor Demonstration -
Excitement at Fever Heat -
A Test Trial to be Held Today.

  Hicksville, O., July 6 -
There is more excitement to the square inch in Hicksville today than in any town of its size in Ohio.

Hundreds of women and children have paraded the streets with banners and blue ribbons flying and the utmost excitement prevails.
It is an anti-saloon war, and for the time being the big strike is a secondary consideration.

For sometimes it has been no secret that the drug stores have been dispensing liquors under the guise of prescriptions.  This has emboldened the proprietors of restaurants and billiard halls and a few weeks ago, beer commenced to be shipped here from Defiance and was retailed by the bottle.

The trouble reached fever heat the 4th and the law was violated openly to such an extent that the law-abiding citizens came to the conclusion that it was time to act.  Hicksville has been under a local opposition law for many years which has met with favor by the citizens.

 Tuesday evening the trouble culminated in the arrest of the attaches of Coffelt & Carr's, and Maxwell & Co.'s places and nine were arrested.  The arrests were made on complaint of James Patterson and Henry Nubleman.

Those pulled were George and Bert Wright, Harvey Maxwell, Myron Miller, Thomas Coffelt, Grant Carr, John Dowell, Bert and Frank Parker.  Examination was waived by the accused who were arrested for alleged violation of the local option clause in the town ordinance. Four or five additional arrests will be made today for violating the state law in selling to minors.

One saloon keeper has quit,and this is thought to be the beginning of the end as the citizens are thoroughly aroused.  The druggists will not escape and it is currently reported they will be arrested and charged with selling liquor contrary to the ordinances of the city and for a violation of state law.

At this hour, 10 a.m., a jury is being enpaneled to try Coffelt on a charge of violating the local option law, and the trial bids fair to last some time, as it is thought a test case will be made.  The attorneys for the city are Bowersox of Bryan and Clay Coulter and Thompson of this place. B. F. Enos and J. P. Cameron, of Defiance, have been retained by the defense.

The citizens are determined to stamp out the liquor traffic and this will be the supreme effort.  This place has been disgraced enough in the farce of this law and in defiance of the wishes of a large majority of citizens."

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

John Henry Neaderhauser - Traveler and Scholar

From the Marckel Scrapbook...undated, but assumed to be 1921 from date of death of J. H. Neaderhauser


"John Henry Neaderhauser was the oldest of a family of seven children.  The other children went out from the home, but Henry lived his life in Tiffin township, 'Old Tiffin,' as he proudly called it.

His life as a farmer was not restricted for he was a great reader and traveled more than most farmers.

He knew his country and her history and was an ardent patriot.  In early years he paid a long visit to the Southland.

For months he was a guard at the Chicago World's Fair.  He was sergeant at arms at the convention in Chicago that named Roosevelt for president.  He was a veteran of the Spanish American war.  Nearly every year he visited some large city as delegate to patriotic societies.  He was a student of the Acts of Congress and knew the names of nearly all of our country's legislators.  He had a remarkable memory for facts, dates, names and faces.

In politics and religion, no one could be in doubt as to what side he was on.  He was out and out a party man though without any prospect of office for himself.  He simply loved politics, and debate and Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley and Roosevelt were statesmen he especially loved.

He was a consistent church and Sunday school worker all his mature years.  Big hearted and generous, he loved to promote the success of others.  He was a friendly man and hence won friends and held various local positions of trust and honor.  He had been recently appointed administrator of his father's estate.

He will be sorely missed by his aged mother and the three remaining children of his father's family, but most sorely bereaved are his own four young daughters and their mother."

Find a Grave photo - more information on the family on this site

"We desire to express our heartfelt gratitude and thanks to all our neighbors who so kindly aided us with help and sympathy during the illness and death of our beloved husband and father.  Especially do we wish to thank the Reverends D. R. Hill, Henry Maag and D. D. Speicher for their words of consolation, the Salem choir for their musical selections, the Spanish American War Veterans for their assistance.
Emma A. Neaderhauser and Family" 

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Have You Ever Really Looked at This?

Fort Defiance marker on the Defiance Public Library grounds, placed by the DAR

"The unveiling of the Ft. Defiance Marker occurred on October 30, 1925.
As the cords binding the veil were released, the rugged stone bearing its beautiful bronze tablet was revealed, rough hewn from granite from the hills of New England.  The marker was fashioned by E. Nelson High of Cincinnati. 

The red flecked stone suggests the strength and hardihood of the pioneers whose memory it honors.  It rises to a height of six feet from the base to the top of the curve of the front face which is four and one half feet wide.  From the tablet to the rear face it measures two feet.

Mortised into the front face is the bronze tablet bearing this inscription:
'Fort Defiance was erected on this site by General Anthony Wayne, August 9 - 17, 1794,and thus,The Grand Emporium of the hostile Indians of the West was gained without loss of blood.  From this point, Gen. Wayne advanced against the Indians and signally defeated them in the Battle of Fallen Timbers, August 20th, 1794.'

At this strategic center, in October, 1792, convened the largest Indian council ever held on the American continent.
Fort Defiance was an important military post in the war of 1812. In the upper right corner of the tablet appears a replica of the ground plan of the fort, showing the two wings of the stockade resting on the banks of the Auglaize, the block houses and inner works.  The emblem of the D. A. R. is centered at the bottom of the tablet."

Daughters of the American Revolution, Ohio State History, p. 167.